Trade English
CBAM is the reporting and financial obligation of the European importer. Knowledge of the exporter’s technological processes is necessary to prepare quarterly reports. Many importers think that they are able to prepare report forms „from their desk”, but they quickly realize that without audited information from the exporter they are unable to meet the reporting obligation. This may result in the report not being completed on time or providing incorrect or inflated data based on the calculation of an average value. In the first case, it may result in penalties, in the second case – an inflated CBAM level in the perspective of fees for the emission of imported products. In many cases, this may result in the exporter losing their customers if they do not support their customers’ reporting with reliable data. Therefore, our company offers a comprehensive examination, validation and auditing of exporter’s data for use in importers’ reports. In this way, exporters will avoid the risk of reducing the number of their customers for formal reasons.
For a comprehensive audit of processes covered by CBAM reporting, please contact:
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